We’ve relaunched the CIDAN FORMA Z! With a significantly shorter cycle time, you get a very efficient Up/Down Folder. Right now it’s the fastest in its class.

FORMA Z from CIDAN Machinery Group has been relaunched as the fastest up/down folding machine in its class
FORMA Z is a folding machine which folds both up and down and eliminates the need to flip material, providing time-efficient folding of complex parts using one operator. The Combi beam rotation between two tooling set ups and the unique geometry gives you unrivalled working space. The automatic tool locking is fast and has features making tool changing very ergonomical.
The folding beam has automatic crowning, automatic folding center adjustment and automatic sheet thickness adjustment, which provides superior folding quality in all thicknesses and across the folding length. The large number of vacuum grippers holds the part steadily, anywhere on the back gauge. Large blanks as well as small, one as well as several. Last, but not least – FORMA Z is fast: more production in less time for you.
Get in touch with CIDAN Machinery Group via this link to find out more!
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